I know where you are right now.

You've been trying your hand at this online business thing for a while. Maybe have a blog, Instagram, YouTube...

You see all these guru strategies, but whenever you give them a try they simply don't work for you.

You don't know why it's not working.

You're feeling stuck and you're not sure how to get over this phase.

You're starting to wonder whether you have what it takes to finally turn this business into your full time thing.

You're feeling a bit discouraged by it all.

You have what it takes, lovely

If I can do this, you can do this. You just need a bit of guidance.

I started my first blog on New Year's Eve of 2013, I didn't tell anyone about it, because I was afraid of what others might say. Nor did I tell anyone when I started my YouTube channel.

I had no idea if this was going to go anywhere. I had no idea what I was doing.

I just knew I wanted to be a part of this online world that fascinated me.

Once I saw that people were actually making a full time income from this online thing, I became relentless in learning ALL the strategies, methods, mindset shifts, everything needed to get me there too.

I'm not special, I was just really determined to make this work. So I did. And so will YOU!

If you're ready to grow an *Oh my gosh I love everything you do* - kind of audience...

And you're thinking it's *about damn time* (song stuck in my head) you start making money from all your online efforts, then...

Once I went all in on my business, this is what happened:

This is not some unicorn-type situation 🦄

This is the reality of a lot of online content creators.

The truth is, growing and monetising an online business is actually simple.

Yes, there are some key things you need to know: doing your audience research, learning about algorithms, strategies behind each platform, ways of monetising in a smart way etc.

And yes, there is a lot of work involved, I'm not going to lie to you. But what good thing in life comes with no effort?

Once we get the hang of these things together, though, it's all about keeping up the momentum.

I *know* you are hard working and ambitious, otherwise you wouldn't even be reading this page.

I am here to simplify the process for you, so that it doesn't feel so overwhelming. And so that we can get you those results you've been dreaming of.

I know you've been dreaming of this:

  • Waking up every morning to sales notifications, affiliate commissions or brand sponsorship offers 💵
  • Having a clear plan for your online business 🗓️
  • Having the freedom to paint your days exactly how you want them to look like ✨
  • Creating multiple streams of income (even completely passive ones) 💰
  • Having the freedom to take time off whenever you need to, while your business makes money for you in the background ⌛
  • Making a positive impact on the world through your online presence 🙂

Have we met? I'm Madeline

I am on a mission to help as many ambitious women life yourself to grow a profitable online business that they feel so incredibly proud of...

...in a way that feels simple and sustainable.

I started my blog on New Year's Eve of 2013 and it took me years to gain the confidence to start showing up as authentically me, to start pitching brands or to start selling my own digital products.

I felt it all: the fear of failure, the imposter syndrome, the perfectionism, the fear of no one buying, the fear of looking silly.

But I'm so glad I went and did it anyway.

I have since grown my "little" online business to replace my 9-5 income, which feels pretty incredible.

I am now here to help you do the same. I'll be holding your hand through this whole process, so that you don't feel as overwhelmed as I did years ago.

What will we cover together?

You will be receiving a completely personalised plan of action and support, depending on the platforms you use and what your business goals are.

But here are some of the main areas I'm excited to help you with:

1. Your business plan

Together we'll make sure you know exactly what your business actually does, who it's for and how you can take steps to grow it. We'll make an epic (but simple) business plan for you, so that you are clear on what your goals are.

2. Get clarity and know your audience

One of the first steps in growing an online business is knowing who you're talking to - duh! Knowing your audience. We'll do your audience research and you'll get *so much* clarity on exactly who you'll be helping and how to create content for them.

3. Your content plan and getting organised

Let's go over the platforms you've been using (or plan to use) and what kind of content you should be creating in order to start getting more visibility. If you're struggling with your niche, topics, content type - this is where you'll get so much clarity.

4. Your energy, mindset and confidence online

One of the main reasons people don't see any growth in their online business is because of the way they show up online. I always infuse mindset tips, perspectives and shifts in all my courses and programs because it makes such a huge difference in the energy with which you show up in your content. And your audience can feel it!

5. Creating your personal brand online

Do you know what the elements of a great memorable personal brand are? You know, the kind that makes people remember you're *that girl* who can help them with X. No worries if you don't, lovely. That's why we're going to work together on creating a unique and epic brand for yourself.

6. The growth and monetising strategies you need

We will dive together into your analytics and see exactly why your business is not moving forward. You will get *alll* the strategies for both growing your audience and for monetising your online presence in a way that feels good for you.

All the details:

Your options:

P.S. There are 3-month, 6-month and 12-monthly payment plans available.

You've got questions, my lovely!

1. Who is this program for?

This 1:1 coaching program is for you if you are looking to start and grow a profitable online business using blogging or social media (whether that's blog, Instagram, YouTube etc.) and you need the steps and accountabillity to get you moving.

2. What if I don't have any audience yet or I don't know what I want my business to be?

It is perfectly fine if you don't have a large audience yet. In fact, a lot of my students and clients come to me in order to help them grow their audience first of all. It's also ok if you don't have a clear idea on what you want your business to be or look like. I'm here to help you figure that out.

3. What if I already have a bit of an audience or I've already started my blog/YouTube etc?

That's awesome that you've already started growing your audience and platforms a bit. Yay! I'm excited to help you grow further and to learn how to monetise that audience and influence in a way that feels good for you.

4. What if I don't have a lot of time?

I'm a big believer in making time for the things that are important to us. However, I know since you might also be a mum or you might have a 9-5 job, time can be limited. That's why we have 45 minute calls bi-weekly, so they don't take up so much of your time. And you get Voxer coaching in your pocket whenever it's convenient for you.

Also, whenever I've personally invested in a program or coach, I've found it so motivating and activating that it simply made me WANT to put in more time and effort into my business.

And that's one of the things that will make you start to see results.

5. Do you have payment plans for the program?

Absolutely, we've got payment plans to help you spread the investment over 3 month, 6 month or 12 month payments.

Got more questions? I'm always just an email away ([email protected])